Monday, November 18, 2019

Now that we've officially gone to Rocket Business only and managed to actually get away from that daily grind. I can actually get back too things related to Music on a more consistent basis.

First we have re arranged the blog as you can see, easier to read and follow

We have started Karaoke at Muddy Cow in Shakopee on Friday Nights from 11pm-1:45am!!
DJ Saturday Nights at Muddy Cow from 10:00pm-1:45am!!

We have new business cards, brochures and flyers ready!

We have joined the Northfield Chamber of Commerce!

We have updated our blog, our website as well and you can still reach it at

We have added pricing to our website.

We have weddings coming up next year and a possible part of a show for the city of Nortfhield on Dec. 12th (awaiting confirmation)

It's been an exciting and busy year for RSAM (Rocket Sound and Music), but it's been a great year.

Thank you to everyone for their support and continued support and coming out to see the shows!!

All right well back to it, got to get some new music sets up set up for you all!!

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